Discipleship Training School

The Grace Discipleship Training School exists to equip Christ followers to make disciples in the work of ministry God has called them to.

Discipleship Track

The mission of the Discipleship Track is to train and equip Christ followers in what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples. This track is ideal for those who have a desire to grow in their walk with Christ and embrace being a true disciple; someone who follows Jesus, is being changed by Jesus, and is committed to the mission of Jesus.

Preaching Track

The mission of the Preaching Track is to train and equip those who have been called to faithfully teach and preach God’s word to the Church.

Servant Leadership Track

The mission of the Servant Leadership Track is to train and equip leaders to make disciples while leading effective teams and ministries through the model of Jesus. This track is ideal for those in leadership positions whether that involves a business, vocational ministry, or any other leadership position God has called you to.  

Worship Track

The worship focus in the Discipleship Track is for those who want to grow in their calling as a worship leader in a worship ministry. The Discipleship Track curriculum serves as a foundational piece and starting point on one’s journey to leading worship. There is added curriculum and commitments throughout the year to equip and empower people to lead worship.  

More Information

Would you like to learn more about the Discipleship Training School or apply to join a track?

Click on the links below to get started!


Austin Mast
Pastor of Equipping and Worship