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Registration Closed

Lister Yoder

Registration closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2020

March 20, 2020 to March 29, 2020


Cost: $1,600 - $2,000

What will you be doing?

The team will serve alongside Impact Middle East and Dr. Hany, distributing items to families at refugee camps, assisting at a refugee school, and spending time with Yazidi women who were Isis slaves. *Subject to change, please be flexible during the trip*

What is included in the cost?

Airfare, and lodging. More details to come. You will also need additional money for food in the airport. Feel free to bring extra spending money, but it is not required!

Important Information

  • Team members are responsible for their cost of the trip.
  • A non-refundable deposit will be required to turn in at the first team meeting in order to commit to the trip. Failure to pay the deposit may result in being removed from the trip. The team leader will notify individuals of the deposit cost.
  • The total cost of the trip will be paid in increments. If there is an issue meeting any of these deadlines don't be afraid to reach out to us. We would love to try to work something out with you!
  • Grace will pay $150 toward each individual's ticket for Grace attendees.

Mandatory Meetings
  • There are three meetings before the trip that you are required to attend. The meetings are a crucial point in your journey of stepping out to serve. We will answer any questions you have as well as give important, relevant information about the trip.
  • Team commissioning - Before the trip, the pastor commissions the team on the platform to go and serve. It will be held on March 8 at the Berlin campus during both gatherings (8:30am & 10:30am). Each team member is required to attend. 
  • Team Debrief - After the trip, the team will meet with Pastor Larry to discuss the Go Team Questions and discuss any improvements / changes for future trips.

*Contact the team leader, Lister Yoder ( for additional information.